It is the perfect location for your event if apart from space for your constructions and trucks more open areas are needed for all kinds of fun activities. Roofed surfaces enable a planning regardless of weather conditions and the perfect infrastructure of buildings saves you from laying supply cables to your trucks.
Thank to favourable transport links and lots of parking spaces very close to BayArena, our showcase is readily accessible and just the perfect location for your road show.
Our Piazza and our TV-Compound have already accommodated quite a few trucks, vehicles or tents of a big variety of companies, benefitting from this singular setting around the stadium when presenting products to their clients. There is abundant space which can be used in a flexible manner and still everything is at a short distance in this special venue. For a very special Get Together you can make use of our beer garden located directly next to the Piazza, where your guests will enjoy our exquisite catering.